Esoteric Hydroponics

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Catalogue: Kits | Systems | Lights | Nutrients | Grow Media | Fans & Filters | CO2 Release Systems | Environmental Controls | Miscellaneous | Pest Control | Literature

Print 'N' Post Order Form

Once you have chosen the items you want from our extensive catalogue, complete the form below. Please note that this form cannot be submitted electronically. This form is to be printed after completion and posted with your payment. For ease of use, JavaScript has been provided to automatically calculate the total for you. You may find that this function may not be available on your browser. In this case you will have to calculate the total yourself. Sorry.

Please note that international orders (outside of UK) are subject to extra shipping and handling [postage and packaging]. Please forward orders via EMail for a quote on delivery.

Your order code is: 12382.102037372686

Your Details

First Name
Initials (Optional)
Last Name
Town / City
Province / County
Post Code
Home Telephone (Optional)
Work Telephone (Optional)

Your Order

Cat Order Code Description Quant Price Each Total
Please add postage. £10.00
Grand Total

Payment Method

Cash To be sent by recorded delivery.
Cheque Made payable to Esoteric Hydroponics Ltd.
Money Transfer

Call us on 01483 596484 to place your order. We will quote you the cost for
your order including delivery. All you have to do is to go down to a local
Bank quoting the following details: Name of account: Esoteric Hydroponics,
the sort code, and account number will be given to you when you call. Once
you have deposited the monies into our account give us a call, again we
normally despatch the same day as receiving the order.

Gold Transfer

Please add 15% to total order. E-Gold account number 336884, account name "Esoteric Hydroponics".

Postal Orders Made payable to Esoteric Hydroponics Ltd.

If paying by cash, cheque or postal orders then print this form. If you are unable to print this form then please send a written order with the information requested on this form.

If paying by cheque or postal orders, please attach to order form before posting. If paying by cash, please send by registered post only. If paying by money transfer or gold transfer, please complete this form, and post it or EMail it to

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Catalogue: Kits | Systems | Lights | Nutrients | Grow Media | Fans & Filters | CO2 Release Systems | Environmental Controls | Miscellaneous | Pest Control | Literature

Bringing Nature And Technology Together:
Esoteric Hydroponics
8 Martyr Road
UK Telephone: 01483 596484
International Telephone: +44 1483 596484
UK Mobile: 07511 933888
Internatonal Mobile: +44 7511 933888
UK Fax: 01483 596490
International Fax: +44 1483 596490